“Focused productive successful mornings generate focused productive successful days – which inevitably create a successful life” – Hal Elrod

If you are looking to alter the trajectory of your life, become happier, more productive, less stressed, more pro-active, and less re-active, than you need to create and commit to a tailored and consistent Morning Routine.

Each day we are presented with a new opportunity for living; a clean slate, and we get to decide what we will do with it. We each get to choose who we want to be, how we want to show up, what we want to give, and what we want to experience.

The results that we experience in our current reality are largely shaped by our everyday habits and routines. A routine is simply a set of actions performed regularly. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that all routines are “good” routines, or even conscious; they are simply performed out of habit.

We can choose to use our mornings to help us cultivate growth and success, or we can remain stuck in stagnation. So many of us leave our days to chance, giving no intentional thought or creation to our day. We tend to live life on ‘auto-pilot’ allowing our mood, conditions and outer circumstances to dictate the course of our day. We give away our power and let our day control us, as opposed to us controlling our day.

Creating an intentional morning practise allows us to take back the power of our day, and in turn, our lives. It gives us a sense of purpose, direction and accountability. We can go from unconsciously creating to deliberately creating, enabling us to make decisions that are aligned with our goals and desires.

A morning routine sets us up for our day, allows us to set and align with our intentions, increase focus and productivity, boost our mood, increase positivity, reduces stress, and enable us to be better equipped to handle any stresses and situations that may arise.

There is no one size fits all when it comes to morning routines. They will, and should, look different from person to person. Remember, the best morning routine is one that is tailored to suit you. If a practise feels forced, or like a chore, you will find it hard to commit too. Your morning routine should feel authentic and real for you. It should make you want to jump out of bed in the morning, with a sense of drive, purpose and motivation.

Morning Routine Tips and Practises to Conquer Your Day


Mediation quiets the mind and allows us to control the direction of our thoughts. It allows us to focus more clearly on our intentions, promotes mental health, compassion, gratefulness and wellbeing, while reducing the feelings of stress and anxiety. It allows us to tune out distractions and return our true selves.


Visualising our goals increases the likeliness of achieving them. By clearly visualising what it is that we want to achieve, and feeling the feelings of having it now, we signal to our brain to begin working towards making our vision concrete in reality. As our brains cannot distinguish between what is real and what is imagined, it subconsciously works to bring about what is it that we are holding in our vision, and in our vibration, on a consistent basis.


My personal favourite and a non-negotiable in my morning practise. There are so many different types and techniques for journaling, though it is essentially the act of getting out our thoughts, feelings, and intentions, goals and/or to-do lists onto paper. It allows us to de-clutter the mind and free up space for the things that serve us.


Practising gratitude in the morning is one of the best ways to cultivate joy and a positive mind set for the day. Expressing gratitude can be done through thought, verbally, or ideally written down in a journal. Cultivating gratitude is one of the best ways to raise your vibration and live more joyfully. Expressing gratitude is a morning practise that I simply cannot go a day without!


Affirmations are uplifting and positive statements that help us to generate confidence and help us to overcome and challenge our limiting beliefs and negative thoughts. By consistently repeating affirmations or mantras, or brain literally re-wires itself and begins accepting these affirmations as fact, which is then reflected into our life experience.


Moving your body in your morning can help bring about an improved mood as a result of the release of endorphins that exercise causes. It also brings about a sense of accomplishment, getting it completed first thing, instead of spending the day dreading the ‘after work’ work out. It helps us to feel productive and more energised for the day

Read, Listen and Educate

Set aside some time in the morning dedicated to expanding your knowledge and encouraging growth motivation and inspiration. Listen to a podcast, spend some time reading, or listen to an audiobook. Use this time to really focus on your personal growth and self-reflection.

Extra steps for creating a productive and positive morning can include:

Eating a healthy breakfast

Waking up earlier and avoiding the snooze button

Making your bed as soon as you get up

Turning off social media and the news, and remaining present

Practising mindfulness

Getting outdoors, grounding and connecting with nature

Petting your dog (because duh!)

Your morning routine can be as extensive or as simple as you like. It can take as little as 10 minutes or as much as an hour. There is no perfect routine, only the one that feels perfect for you.

Your morning practise should leave you feeling uplifted, focused, calm, grounded and ready to conquer your day with a confident, positive and abundant mindset.

How you show up for your morning, is how you show up for your day, and ultimately how you show up for life. Give as much time and love to yourself as you give to others, and watch your life transform.

Remember, if you win your morning, you win your day, and when you win your days, you win your life.

To learn more about Habits and Routines don’t forget to check out my post: Why Habits and Routines Are Essential For Success.

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